Web development Course
- Duration: 3 Months
Our development course is designed for those who are hard-working, creative and highly enthusiastic in web development sector. Basic web design knowledge is required for this. No web development or programming knowledge is required. We have designed the course in a way so that a beginner can start and take his/her skills to the intermediate level. We have advanced development course for advanced learners.
Taking this course, a learner will get knowledge and expertise in PHP, OOP in PHP, MySQL, CRUD Operation with PHP, Laravel Framework, Software development with Laravel.
After completing this course, a learner will be able to develop dynamic websites and web application using core PHP and Laravel. He/She will be able get freelancing projects or job in web development firms.
- Personal computer
- Basic idea about computer operation
- Basic knowledge about internet browsing
- Moderate knowledge about web design
- Internet connection
Software Taught
- Sublime Text
- Visual Studio Code
- NotePad++
- Xampp
- Wampserver
- Understanding server side technology.
- PHP history.
- PHP development environment.
- PHP Basic Syntax.
- PHP Variable & Data Type.
- PHP Operator
- PHP Statement
PHP Array
PHP Function
Built-in Array and Function.
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Foreach Loop
PHP super global variable.
- Introduce to Database and MySQL Database Server.
- Create a database, table inside the Database Server.
- Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL).
- Perform action through SQL inside Database Server.
- Introduction to CRUD operation.
- Data Save into the database server.
- Data Retrieved from the Database Server.
Creating Database
Creating Tables
Connecting Database Using PHP
Form handling and Validation
- CRUD Operation using PHP and MySQL
Date & Time
- File Handling and Image Upload
- Session
Understanding the concept of OOP
Introduce to Class, Object
Introduce to Property
Introduction to Method.
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Access Modifier
- Inheritance
- Constants
- Abstract Class
- Interfaces
- Traits
Introduction to Laravel
- Laravel Setup
- Request Life Cycle
- Service Container and Service Providers
- Route, Controller and View
- Blade Templates
- Request and Form Validation
- CRUD Operations
- Relationships
- Project Building Concept
- Deployment
Contact INFo
- +8801777 78 21 64
- info@hamkoict.com.bd
- BSCIC Industrial Area, Shiromoni, Khulna, Bangladesh